Here is a chronological grouping of verses from the 4 gospels according to key events and sayings. Hope this helps you in your prayers this week and next. Verses (.pdf) Verses (.docx)
Oswald Chamber Devotional: The Abandonment of God
“God so loved the world that He gave. . .” ~John 3:16 Salvation is not merely deliverance from sin, nor the experience of personal holiness; the salvation of God is deliverance out of self entirely into union with Himself. My experimental knowledge of salvation will be along the line of deliverance from sin and of […]
Romans 12: The Dance of God pt 3 of 4
Our culture says relationships are nice but we are here to get work done. Relationships are good as long as they don’t get in the way of things we are pursuing. Money, career, other goals are placed over relationships. And if you live this way, in the end, you are going to dash yourself on […]
Is it Possible to Have a Facebook Faith? (pt4 of 4)
I am going to be ordained soon because I believe in the local church. Because the local church is God’s design to the save the world. I am sure of it. He left this worldwide evangelism mission in the hands of a small group of believers and they started to gather into various churches throughout […]
Is it Possible to Have a Facebook Faith? (pt3 of 4)
First point, God’s will for you is to know that you are a recipient of incredible mercy. That’s the first half of Romans 12:1. Second, in view of this mercy, God’s will is for you to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice and this was utterly impossible before our salvation. And I believe the […]
Is it Possible to Have a Facebook Faith? (pt2 of 4)
So the first point, God’s will for you is to recognize that you are a recipient of God’s tremendous mercy. You need to get that. If you don’t, none of the rest of this message will make sense. Now, we get to the second point, God’s will for you is, in view of this mercy, […]