John the Baptist
How to Build Up Your Faith through Prayer
Text: Luke 7:18-23 Summary: Because Jesus is so gracious, it’s fine to begin prayer with doubts. But to be called a person of faith, we must end our prayers proclaiming our absolute trust in Jesus.
Turn Your Heart to Our Heavenly Father
Text: Luke 1:15-17; Mal 4; 1 Kings 17-19 Summary: The prophecy in Mal 4 is partially fulfilled in Luke 1 through the ministry of John the Baptist, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah. In both cases, the message is the same – Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want His children to go through […]
Becoming A Friend of Jesus
Text: John 2:23-25; 3:22-30 Summary: Become the kind of friend whom Jesus can entrust Himself to by having one agenda — He must increase, but I must decrease.
A Heart that is Not Easily Offended
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 15:10-28 Jesus wants to clean you from the inside out, and when He does so (or when things don’t go your way), please don’t get offended and walk away.
How Do We Grow in Our Belief?
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 1:26-38 We grow in our faith by first doing all we can that is possible and then waiting for God to do that which is impossible.