Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: 2 Pet 3:18 If you and I make every effort to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 2 wonderful things happen. First, you will be free. Second, you will never fall.
2 Corinthians 4 – Teaching #3: The Gospel of Christ (pt3 of 3)
5) Furthermore, the gospel illumines minds. 6 For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the KNOWLEDGE… If the god of this age blinds unbelievers in their minds (v4) so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of […]
Quotes from “The Republic of Plato”
“The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and her culture. At the beginning of the journey to the next world, one’s education and culture can either provide the greatest assistance, or else act as the greatest burden, to the person who has just died.” “I am the wisest man […]
1 Cor 8-14: Love Builds Up (pt1 of 3)
Many students are away on spring break so I guess for those who are still here, your parents don’t love you because they’d rather you not visit? Well, we are family so we are happy that a bunch are still with us. Please turn with me to 1 Cor 8:1-3. [Let’s pray together. Pray for […]
2012 Vision – The Life of Jesus and the Good Samaritan (pt3 of 4)
So that completes our bird’s eye view of the life of Jesus. Now with that as the context, I think we are ready to tackle the parable of the Good Samaritan. Let’s read the text. Luke 10:25-37. Tying in the bird eye’s view of Jesus’ life, I want to end with 4 brief observations. And […]