Preacher: Pastor Ray What would make 2017 a great year for you? A memorable year? An unforgettable year? What ought to be the first prayer on our lips in 2017? The parable of the 10 virgins helps us to answer these questions. Sermon Notes
John Piper: So-Called Same-Sex Marriage – Lamenting the New Calamity
Jesus died so that heterosexual and homosexual sinners might be saved. Jesus created sexuality, and has a clear will for how it is to be experienced in holiness and joy. His will is that a man might leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and that the two become one flesh (Mark […]
Russell Moore: Reaction To The Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage
See article written by Russell Moore below. Why the church should neither cave nor panic about the decision on gay marriage This opinion piece is by Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. As I write this, the Supreme Court has handed down what will be the […]
Marriage: The Story of Ian and Larissa
Single brothers and sisters, please watch this as you pray for your future spouse. Married couples, I pray that this video will flood your thoughts and your marriage and your devotional life with God with many treasures. 2014 Update: The Story of Ian and Larissa from Citygate Films on Vimeo.
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt3 of 3)
“One Flesh” 31 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This phrase, one flesh, refers to deep soul-level oneness. It’s not oil and vinegar, which just sits on top of each other when you mix them. Or, chocolate […]
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt2 of 3)
“Leave” 31 For this reason a man will leave… The word for “leave” is a strong word. It can be translated as leave behind, neglect, forsake, abandon. Who are we called to leave? Father and mother. There is no society like Western society that de-emphasizes the obligation to your parents. But Asians, I think we […]