John 15: Go and Bear Fruit
Preacher: Pastor Ray What kind of fruit is Jesus asking us to go and bear to the world in John 15:16? Is it primarily external ministry fruit or is it internal? How you answer will shape your Christian life.
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt2 of 3)
In addition to the theme of joy and rejoicing, there is one other theme that can be found throughout this letter. In terms of frequency, the second most prominent theme in Philippians is the gospel. To some who have been with me for a while, I might sound like a broken record, but the gospel […]
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt1 of 3)
The title of today’s sermon is “Become a Gospel Partner.” Do you believe in the gospel? I mean, do you really believe? If so, how do you know if your belief is authentic? Belief in Jesus is never a private, personal matter. Belief in Jesus always leads to suffering for Jesus. Here, we’re not talking […]
2 Cor 5-6 – Teaching #5: The New Creation and the Ministry of Reconciliation (pt3 of 3)
The new creation changes the way believer’s view others, it changes their purpose, and lastly… The new creation changes the character of a believer’s ministry. Getting at the character of Paul’s ministry, the flavor of his ministry and Paul’s ethos as a minister is important for all Christians since every single believer is called to […]
1 Cor 3:1-9 – Message Series 1 of 2: The Cross is the Paradigm for Christian Life and Ministry (pt1 of 3)
Two weeks ago, we covered a theme that I find to be a recurring theme in Paul’s writings. 1 Cor 2:2 – I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. This gospel of Jesus and him crucified, this cross of Jesus is the ultimate wisdom and power […]