The Unleavened Teaching of Christ
Audio file Text: Mark 8:15; Matt 16:6 Summary: The unleavened teaching of Christ leads to a life that is supernatural (not natural). The unleavened teaching of Christ honors secular authorities while maintaining a prophetic voice, leading to a life of conviction (not compromise). The unleavened teaching of Christ leads to thanksgiving and praise (not lip […]
Reject Darkness and Come to the Light (John 3)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 3:16-21 Nicodemus was different from the vast majority of Pharisees because he did not love the darkness while most of his peers did. Those who love the darkness hate the light. Do you love Jesus more than you love the darkness?
Humble Yourself and Let Jesus Be Your Instructor (Matt 23)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 23:1-12 Humility is a choice. You have to decide to humble yourself and admit that I need to start over and learn from Someone how to live life properly. For those who humble themselves, Jesus will be your primary Instructor for the rest of your life.
Did Jonah Repent?
Preacher: Pastor Ray Why is the book of Jonah in Scripture? What is the main takeaway from Jonah? To answer this, let’s defer to Jesus. He gives us the answer as recorded by the gospel writers. Today, we’ll focus on Matthew 12:38-50. Sermon Notes
Matthew 7:1-6 – Judging Without a Judgmental Spirit (pt1 of 4)
Read Matthew 7:1-6. Have you ever said something and what you said or what you wrote in an email was taken completely out of context? When that happens, it’s frustrating. Hey, the other day, I heard you say, fill in the blank… Come on, that’s not what I meant. And you have to explain yourself. […]