It’s not a coincidence that the verses that follow the “do not judge” section are about prayer. Verse 7 – ask, seek, knock. Before you confront someone, ask God for wisdom. Is my judgment even accurate? Is it a sin issue? Is it my sin issue? Is this the right time to confront? Do I […]
1 Cor 3:18-23 – All Are Yours (pt3 of 3)
v22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future. Death, the present, the future–I want to group those last three together because I think they are related. Let me read from Matt 6:31-33. Matt 6:31-33 – 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall […]
1 Cor 3:18-23 – All Are Yours (pt2 of 3)
2) What is the wisdom of God? We have been talking about this for the past few months. It’s the cross. It’s Jesus and him crucified. The gospel. The Son of God became a man and lived at a particular point in human history during the first century as a Jewish Rabbi and he began […]
Quotes from The Wounded Healer (Henry Nouwen)
It is not the task of the Christian leader to go around nervously trying to redeem people, to save them at the last minute, to put them on the right track. For we are redeemed once and for all. The Christian leader is called to help others affirm this great news, and to make visible […]
John Piper – Small Prayer Groups Change the World
Frances J. Roberts Devotional: The Vineyard of Prayer
Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. ~Romans 8:27 O My child, the days are heavy with burdens, burdens that need to be borne upon the shoulders of faithful prayer warriors. Where are those who […]