Text: Luke 10:20-24, 38-42 Summary: The will of God is to give thanks in all circumstances because our names are written in heaven. The will of God is to humble ourselves and remain childlike so that we keep receiving more revelation from the Lord. Lastly, the will of God is to kneel at the feet […]
How to Build Up Your Faith through Prayer
Text: Luke 7:18-23 Summary: Because Jesus is so gracious, it’s fine to begin prayer with doubts. But to be called a person of faith, we must end our prayers proclaiming our absolute trust in Jesus.
The Posture, Priority and Purpose of Prayer
Text: Acts 3:1-16 Summary: By looking at the healing of the man lame from birth at the Beautiful Gate, God has much to teach us about our posture when we pray, the priority during prayer, and the purpose of prayer.
Daily Prayers that Reach Heaven as a Pleasing Aroma
Text: Joel 2:12-14; Rev 5:8 Summary: Here are 3 daily prayers that are sure to reach heaven as a pleasing aroma. I surrender, Lord. I repent, Lord. I want to meet you, Lord.
Amazing Hidden Prayer
Text: Rev 7:1-17; 14:1-5 Summary: God’s greatest gift to us is Jesus Christ. He is the power of God and the wisdom of God in full display and everything in Scripture from beginning to end points to Him.
Abiding in Jesus
Text: John 15:1-17 Summary: Love Jesus and love the friends of Jesus and God promises that you will bear much fruit and He will answer your prayers.