Preacher: PJ Tibayan, Pastor of First Southern Baptist Church, Bellflower Due to a recording problem, we don’t have the actual recording from yesterday. But by God’s grace, the same passage was preached back in June so that we can be reminded today of what Jesus went through for us at Gethesemane.
John 17: Established in the Father’s Love
Preacher: Pastor Ray Today, we conclude this series through the final sermons of Jesus preached during the Passion Week (John 13-17). Here in John 17 we find Jesus’ prayer for the 11 disciples as well as future generations of disciples who are part of His Church.
Pentecost: Feast or Famine?
Preacher: Pastor Ray Choi Pentecost (or the Feast of Weeks) represents the Holy Spirit coming to unify humanity under the Person and work of Christ. It commemorates the birth of the Church as the Holy Spirit immersed its early disciples in power, boldness and joy. In a nutshell, it was a time of great spiritual […]
Good Friday 2016
Preacher: Pastor Ray Victory over sin, Satan and death began at the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus struggled with and overcame His soul–His mind, emotions and will–by accepting the cup of God’s wrath in submission to the Father’s will.
Ephesians: Fullness of Christ, Filled by the Spirit, Fighting on Our Knees
Preacher: Pastor Ray The book of Ephesians describes the goal of the Christian life as growing into Christ’s FULLNESS. In order to reach this kind of maturity, we need to be FILLED by the Spirit. Lastly, we need to FIGHT on our knees.
Prayer: Fruit Bearing Takes Time (Mark 4-8)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Bearing fruit and becoming like Jesus takes time. May the Lord teach us to be patient. Discussion Questions Read Mark 7:1-23. – Why is Jesus critical of the Pharisees? – Examine the condition of your heart. Is it close to the Lord or far off? How can you tell? – How did […]