Audio file Text: Text: 2 Chron 7:11-22 Summary: It is time for the people of God in America and around the world to humble ourselves, to pray, to seek the face of God, and to wait for God to convict us of our sins personally and as a nation. If we meet these conditions, God […]
A Prayer for the Prodigals
Audio file Text: Luke 15:17-24 Summary: Father, I surrender before You (Luke 14:11).Father, draw me to Jesus (John 6:44).Holy Spirit, convict me of my sin. Convict me of my lostness without Jesus. Convict me that I am spiritually dead without Jesus (John 3:8; 16:8-11; Luke 15:24).Father, I repent of all of my sins (John 15:18; […]
Turn Your Heart to Our Heavenly Father
Text: Luke 1:15-17; Mal 4; 1 Kings 17-19 Summary: The prophecy in Mal 4 is partially fulfilled in Luke 1 through the ministry of John the Baptist, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah. In both cases, the message is the same – Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want His children to go through […]
Repent and Rebuild
Text: Haggai 1-2; Heb 12 Summary: Repent, ask for forgiveness and build up the temple of your heart where the Spirit can dwell so that when Jesus returns you will not be shaken.
Daily Prayers that Reach Heaven as a Pleasing Aroma
Text: Joel 2:12-14; Rev 5:8 Summary: Here are 3 daily prayers that are sure to reach heaven as a pleasing aroma. I surrender, Lord. I repent, Lord. I want to meet you, Lord.
An Inseparable Pair: Repentance and Faith
Text: Heb 3:7-15; 8:6-13; 9:6-10, 13-14; 10:15-25; 11:1-2, 13, 39-40; 12:1-2 Summary: The author of Hebrews explains the difference between the old and the new covenant. As new covenant believers, repentance and faith in Christ are an inseparable pair.