Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Exodus 2:11-15, Acts 7:23-29, Heb 11:24-27 In order to be freed from a slave mentality, Jesus must become the source of pleasure you delight in, the treasure that you are consumed by, and the ultimate reward that you are pursuing.
Cast Out Hagar and Ishmael
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Exodus 21:8-13, Gal 4:21-31 Cast out the religious mindset and enter into the freedom that only Jesus can offer.
Philemon: The Gospel Changes Everything
Sermon Outline Today, we are going to cover the book of Philemon – short letter How many people have ever heard a sermon from Philemon? Themes: forgiveness, unity, church as family I can understand why preachers may choose to avoid this letter Explosive letter because it deals with the issue of slavery What does the […]
Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps
2 Cor 8-9- Teaching #6: The Grace of Giving (pt1 of 3)
Intro: Money is a sinister master. The front page of CNN last night was about Powerball, the $600 million lottery. The title of the article was “$2 and a Dream.” What does that front page article tell you about Americans? I find it troubling and it’s related to the topic this afternoon. Today, I want […]
1 Cor 6:12-20 – The Lord for the Body (pt4 of 4)
I close with two biblical motivations for why you should strive to free yourself from all enslavements, whether it is the fourth helping of food or to that first or second glass of wine or the twelfth cup of coffee or lust or laziness or work. First, be motivated to preserve your freedom in Christ […]