Text: Exod 17:8-16 Summary: Jehovah Nissi means “The Lord is My Banner.” In Christ, we are victors. Place your absolute faith/trust in Jesus and let Him fight for you.
Happy Resurrection Day 2021
Audio file Text: Psalm 68:18-26, 32-35 Summary: First, use your mouth to declare that you are clean by His word and by the blood of Jesus. Second, use your mouth to bless the Lord with a song. Third, pull out your sword by using your mouth to proclaim the victory that is yours in Christ.
Worship Leads to Victory
Text: Zeph 1-3; Rom 8 Summary: Worship means to bow down. If you resolve never to bow down to anything in creation, and instead, to bow down only to your Creator, then you can become more than a conqueror.
Easter: Jesus Won, Now Live to Win
Text: Rev 3:21-22 Summary: Jesus won! Now it’s our turn. Live to win by holding on to Jesus and resolving that you will never let go of Him.
A Path to Total Victory in Jesus
Text: 1 John 1:5-10; 5:18-19 Summary: Our path to total victory in Jesus is available if we do these 2 things. First, confess internal sin (i.e. worldliness). Second, ask Jesus to protect you from external sin (i.e. the evil one).
Cain and Abel: Overcoming Sin Before It Overcomes You (1 John 3)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Cain is mentioned in 1 John 3 and is used as a case study in darkness. Apostle John makes the shocking claim that the heart of someone who sees a brother in financial need and deliberately closes his heart to him is the same heart that hates a brother enough to […]