Audio file Text: Eph 4:26-32 Summary: Anger comes in many forms. Anger often leads to sin. And when you sin, you give Satan a legal right to wreak havoc in your life and those around you. Put away anger and ask for a divine exchange. In exchange for your sinful nature, ask for the kindness, […]
4th Anniversary Service: Feel the Distress and Sorrow of Jesus (Mark 14.32-41)
Preacher: PJ Tibayan, Pastor of First Southern Baptist Church, Bellflower Due to a recording problem, we don’t have the actual recording from yesterday. But by God’s grace, the same passage was preached back in June so that we can be reminded today of what Jesus went through for us at Gethesemane.
Revelation 10-18: Choose Today Whom You Will Serve
In light of the Tribulation, Armageddon, the coming of Christ and the End of the world, we are faced with a choice between 2 sides.
Revelation 9: Mercy Wrapped Up in Wrath
During the Tribulation, God’s wrath seems incompatible with a God of love. Listen how even in the midst of God’s wrath, we can find mercy.