Here are some bullet points from yesterday’s historic first live stream event from Harvest America. Many Americans think they are Christians, but really are not. There is an emptiness in every life without Christ. It is an emptiness for God Himself. Everyone is lonely. Everyone is afraid to die. This conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus […]
Harvest America
Harvest Crusade 2012, Saturday (8/25) at Anaheim Stadium
The Pursuit of Happiness: Rich young ruler (Matt 19) Beauty will not bring personal happiness. Possessions will not bring personal happiness. Relationships will not bring personal happiness. Pursuing pleasure will not bring personal happiness. Read: Matthew 19:16–22 Whatever you give up to follow Jesus will be more than worth it! Whoever takes the Son gets […]
Matt 5:9-16 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers (pt4 of 4)
Why do we not live as salt and light? Why do we put the lamp under a bowl and not shine? The most obvious reason is that we have not been spending quality time with Jesus. He is the light of the world. Stay close to Jesus and your light will be rekindled. Abide in […]